Sarkari Naukri For Administrative Officer In Ministry of Culture – Nov 2013

Administrative Officer

Indian Museum

Address: Indian Museum, Ministry of Culture, Government of India 27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Postal Code: 700016
City Kolkata
State West Bengal
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600/-
Educational Requirements: Officers of the Central Govt./Autonomous bodies having 4 years of service experience in Administrative post in the scale of PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs 4,200/- or holding analogous post.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Application may be made in the prescribed format which may be downloaded from: Applications must be sent through proper channel. While forwarding the applications, the respective controlling authorities should also forward copies of five years’ ACR/APAR and the vigilance clearance certificate. Incomplete applications or applications not accompanied with necessary documents shall not be considered. Completed applications together with requisite documents should be sent in a sealed envelope superscribed “Application for the Post of ____________” so as to reach the above address within 21 days from the date of advertisement.
Last Date: November 8, 2013