Govt. Vacancy For Assistant Professor/ Lecturer (Practice of Medicine) In MUHS – Oct 2013

Assistant Professor/ Lecturer (Practice of Medicine)

Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital & Post Graduate Institute

Address: Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, Nagapur
Postal Code: 414111
City Ahmednagar
State Maharashtra
Pay Scale: As per rules
Educational Requirements: Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy preferably in the concerned subject. The qualification shall be the one included in Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Preference shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.M.O. and/or House Physicians in a Homoeopathic Hospital attached to a Homoeoapthic Medical College permitted by Central Council/Central Government.
How To Apply: Apply to the Secretary, at Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, Nagapur, Ahmednagar – 414 111 on plain paper /prescribed format along with attested copies of certificates and experience certificates.
General Notes: 1) Reservation for Ladies and physically handicapped persons is as per the Govt. rules. 
2) Candidates applying for reserve category post(s) should submit caste certificate & caste validity certificate and also recent non-creamy layer certificate, wherever applicable.
3) The benefits of reservation shall be admissible to the backward class / category candidates who are domiciled in the state of Maharashtra only.
4) Age Limit & Educational Qualifications shall be considered up-to last date of the application & experience shall be considered up-to earlier day of the interview.
5) The decision taken by MUHS authorities regarding essential qualifications and experience shall be applicable, from time to time.
6) Qualified teachers above the age of 62 years will be considered for appointment of one – one year, as per respective council’s norms.
7) Pay Scale is as per rules.
8) Application along-with attested copies of all relevant Certificates must reach to the college on or before : 28 / 10 / 2013. ( Exact date is to be specified) ( Minimum 21 days from the date of publication of advertisement in newspaper.)

Last Date: 28/10/2013