Applications are invited for
Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & II) for training in Raja Ramanna
Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore. Candidates fulfilling all the
eligibility criteria should send properly filled in application in
prescribed format before 10.08.2012
The applicants are required to go through the detailed advertisement, the summary of the advertisement is given below :
Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & II)
For complete advertisement visit :
For application form :
The applicants are required to go through the detailed advertisement, the summary of the advertisement is given below :
Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & II)
- Number of vacancies : 36 (Category I – 21, Category II – 15)
- Age Limit : 19 years (minimum) and 24 years (maximum) for Category I and 18 years (minimum) and 22 years (maximum) for Category II as on 10.08.2012.
For complete advertisement visit :
For application form :